El camino del Ranger

De EnciclopAtys

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Página oficial de la Lore Ryzom
Última edición: Dorothée, 05.11.2020
de:Der Weg des Rangers
en:The Way of the Ranger
es:El camino del Ranger
fr:La voie du Ranger
ru:Путь Рейнджера
¡Traducción que tiene que ser revisada!
¡No culpes a los contribuyentes, pero ayúdalos! 😎
Texto de referencia (Texto actualizado, utilizado como referencia) :
Notas :

Official page of the Ryzom Lore
Latest edition: Dorothée, 10.12.2020
de:Der Weg des Rangers
en:The Way of the Ranger
es:El camino del Ranger
fr:La voie du Ranger
ru:Путь Рейнджера
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2020-12-10)

No one ever claimed that being a Ranger was easy.

  Wuaoi Yai-Zhio

Here are some of Wuaoi Yai-Zhio's comments on this subject, taken from Ranger assemblies held between the years of Jena 2580 and 2599, gathered by Ba'Ruly Wiser, Wuaoi Yai-Zhio's scribe, and reported here in the form of a conversation.

Ranger meeting in Almati Wood

A young homin who aspires to become a Ranger approaches Wuaoi Yai-Zhio who is meditating in the Ranger Circle of Almati Wood [...]

See Also: A Ranger's debate: The Queen's visit.

Last version 2020-12-10•