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Revisión del 21:14 31 oct 2021 de Dorothée (discusión | contribuciones) (Página creada con «{{TIP |DE=1 |EN=0 |ES=1 |FR=1 |RU=1}} {{:en:Help:Searching}} Category:Ayuda»)
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Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-11-28)

This page is a comprehensive copy of MediaWiki's help page about searching

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See also: Help:Search.

Enter keywords and phrases and press Enter or Return or click the magnifying glass icon (or Search or Go button when using other skins).
If a page has the same title as what you entered, you jump straight to that page.
Otherwise, it searches all pages on the wiki (with some restrictions, see below), and presents a list of articles that matched your search terms, or a message informing you that no page has all the key words and phrases.

How it works

  • It searches all pages on the wiki with some restrictions.
  • The article content is searched in its raw (wikitext) form - i.e., it searches the text that appears in the edit box when you click “edit”, not the rendered page. This means that content coming from an included template will not be picked up, but the target of piped links will be.
  • The search functionality can be considered to operate on whole words, separated by spaces or other punctuation marks. So if your search term includes the word 'book', the results will not include pages that only have the word 'books' or 'booklet'. And if your search term includes the term 'inter', the results will not include pages that only have the word 'international', but they may include pages that have the term 'inter-national'.
  • The results will only include pages that contain all the words in your search.
  • You can search for parts of words using a wildcard (*), so book* will return results for book and books. This operation is more expensive.
  • You can search for a phrase using double quotes. A phrase can be considered to consist of whole words, so the phrase 'Prime Minister' will not be found by a search for "ime Min", but it will be found by a search for "Prime Minister".

Restricting the search

If you click the “Search” button without filling in anything, you will be taken to "Special:Search" which gives you extra searching options (also available from any search results list)
You may find it useful to restrict a search to pages within a particular namespace e.g., only search within the User pages . Check the namespaces you require for this search.