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Revisión del 08:21 8 ago 2021

Página oficial de la Lore Ryzom
Última edición: Dorothée, 08.08.2021
de:Nexus/Das Geheimnis der Gibbaï im Nexus/Entdeckung der Rezeptur für die schillernden Juwelen der Gibbai, die deren Körperkraft erhöhen
en:Nexus/The secret of Nexus Gibbaï/Discovery of the recipe of the iridescent jewels of the Gibbaïs allowing them to increase their physical strength
es:Nexo/El secreto de los Gibbaïs del NexoDescubrimiento de la receta de las joyas iridiscentes  que permite a los Gibbaïs incrementar su fuerza física
fr:Nexus/Le secret des gibbaï du Nexus/Découverte du procédé de création des bijoux irisés augmentant la force physique des gibbaï du Nexus
ru:Нексус / секрет гиббая Нексуса/Открытие рецепта радужных драгоценных камней Гиббаи, позволяющего им увеличить свою физическую силу
¡Traducción que tiene que ser revisada!
¡No culpes a los contribuyentes, pero ayúdalos! 😎
Texto de referencia (Texto actualizado, utilizado como referencia) :
Notas :

Discovery of the recipe of the iridescent jewels of the Gibbaïs allowing them to increase their physical strength [1][2]
Joint Report of the Four Academies of the Nations, released on 5h - Holeth, Thermis 18, 4th AC 2613.[3]

Preliminary study: report of the Academies on the Majestic Salina and its environment

Imperial Academy for Fyros Empire 
The analysis of the soil around the rifts reveals that its appearance and composition are very different from elsewhere.
Royal College, for Matis Kingdom 
The comparative botanical study of the Majestic Salina and the common Salina reveals that :
— The Majestic Salina is a new variety of Salina that appeared in the Nexus following the Barkquakes. It grows exclusively near the new rifts. No attempt to grow it elsewhere has succeeded.
— The Majestic Salina, although visually resembling a giant version of the common Salina, has a very different appearance in terms of its sap, which is more colorful and viscous.
Temple of Knowledge, for Zoraï Theocracy 
The comparison of the sap of the Majestic Salina and that of the common Salina reveals that they have different properties.
FISHES Society, for Tryker Federation 
Various experiments carried out on the sap of Salina Majestueux confirm that it has different properties (different reactions to the various treatments carried out).
Conclusion of the Academies 
The Majestic Salina feeds on specific substances in the soil near rifts, which gives its sap unique properties. It remains to be determined how to treat this sap to make it iridescent, and then how to apply it to a piece of jewelry to give it a special "power".

Report of the Academies on the treatment of the Majestic Salina sap to make it iridescent

Temple of Knowledge, for Zoraï Theocracy 
The observation of the Gibbaïs reveals that the sap of Majestic Salina, once collected by incision of its trunk, is put to dry in the heat of the daylight. The distance of observation does not allow to observe the rest of the treatment.
FISHES Society, for Tryker Federation 
The fresh sap of Salina Majestic is dried in the daylight heat, reduced in powder then mixed with various substances.
It is the mixture of dry sap and water which proves to be the most conclusive; while drying, it forms an iridescent sap similar to the one covering the necklaces of the Gibbaïs, but cracking while drying.
Conclusion of the Academies 
The fresh sap of Majestic Salina must be dried in the daylight, ground to a powder and then mixed with a little water to become an iridescent sap. It remains to define the right degree of dilution and then to experiment the effects of this sap on the jewelry.

Report of the Academies on the tests of the coating of a jewel in the iridescent sap from Majestic Salina

Royal College, for Matis Kingdom 
Various experiments allow to define the ideal dosage to obtain a stable iridescent sap, not cracking when drying.
Temple of Knowledge, for Zoraï Theocracy 
The coating of jewels of various qualities, created by a jeweler, by immersion in iridescent sap of Majestic Salina, gives iridescent jewels similar to those of the Gibbaïs, but without any special “power”.
Imperial Academy, for Fyros Empire 
The immersion in the iridescent sap of Majestic Salina of a jewel engraved with an allegory gives when drying an iridescent jewel similar to those of the Gibbaïs, and the effect of the allegory is increased.
Conclusion of the Academies 
The immersion in iridescent sap of a jewel engraved with an allegory increases the effect of the allegory.
On homins, the effect is not an increase in physical strength as with the Gibbaïs, but an increase in the power of the allegory.

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  1. [OOC]Publications related to the sequence named "The Secret of the Nexus Gibbaïs", in order to discover the secret of making necklaces that increase physical strength.[/OOC]
  2. Forums » ROLEPLAY » Lore & Chronicles » Discovery of the recipe of the iridescent jewels of the Gibbaïs allowing them to increase their physical strength
  3. Monday, June 7th, 2021