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Revisión actual del 15:21 9 abr 2022

de:Empfohlener Artikel/Spiel/Week/5
en:Featured article/Game/Week/5
es:Pagina destacada/Juego/Semana/5
fr:Lumière sur/Jeu/Semaine/5
ru:Избранная статья/Гейм/Неделя/5
¡Traducción que tiene que ser revisada!
¡No culpes a los contribuyentes, pero ayúdalos! 😎
Texto de referencia (Texto actualizado, utilizado como referencia) :
Notas :
en:User Manual
es:Manual de usuario
fr:Manuel de l'utilisateur
ru:Руководство пользователя
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them ????

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Craftjenn, 2023-12-12)

Ryzom User's Manual rev.3

Tribe patrol
Karavan & Kamis

Ryzom is a very well established Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). It runs internationally from a central internet server in France and enjoys quite active membership nd support. The game itself is a type called a sandbox; you can do whatever you want in the sandbox within limits of the boundaries! Unlike other MMORPG, there is no directed plot that you must follow, no prescribed activities that you must do in a certain order. Any avatar can accomplish any skill and go anywhere you choose. When you open Ryzom, you open a window of adventure. When you play ryzom, you play with freedom. When you learn Ryzom, you learn interpersonal skills to keep forever. There is no final victory to finish the game. Ryzom never ends.

The Ryzom Glossary can be very handy.

Download and Install the game

(How you do this will depend on your operating system; follow the instructions at http://ryzom.com .)

New content and roadmap

In short :

Section added by Craftjenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (talk) March 2018 (CEST).
Updated on CraftJenn, Ranger du Cercle du Bois d'Almati (talk) April 2019

Create an Account

Playing Ryzom requires an active game account. On the main login screen, click CREATE ACCOUNT. Follow the instructions to create an account and password on the main international server. Both must consist of 5-12 lower-case characters and numbers. No symbols may be used. The username you create here will be your public name in the official account. The name of your avatar will be chosen later. Select the Submit button when you are finished.

Avatar Creation

Before you can play Ryzom, you need to create an avatar to represent you on Atys. After logging in to the main server, you will have five slots open to create new avatars, shown on the left side of the screen as large question marks. To begin creation of a new avatar, choose one of the open avatar slots and click the Create New button in the lower-right corner of the screen.


Your civilization will determine your base appearance, the initial reputation you have with various game factions, and the initial race crafting skills you will use. Your civilization choice will not limit the areas in which you can travel, or what skills you can eventually learn.


Your gender will change your physical appearance, but will otherwise have no affect on the gameplay. Once you've selected your avatar's gender, proceed to the next step in the column on the left.

Physical Appearance

Using the sliders, customize the shape of your avatar's body. You can rotate your avatar by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button and you can zoom in/out by clicking and dragging with the right mouse button. Your physical appearance will not affect your avatar statistics. Once you've decided on your avatar's appearance, proceed to the next step.

Facial Customization

Using the sliders, customize your avatar's face. Different civilizations and genders will have different options for customization here. You can rotate your avatar's head by clicking and dragging with the left mouse button, and you can zoom in/out by clicking and dragging with the right mouse button. Once you've finished customizing your avatar's face, proceed to the final step in the left column.

Action Packs

Your choice here will determine your avatar's initial set of equipment and Actions. No matter what you choose, your avatar will start at level one in all skill trees and will be able to advance equally in any skill that you choose. Using the sliders, customize your avatar's initial Action pack.

Fame and Alignment

The race of your avatar has an effect on the Fame you have with other races and with the two powers, the Kami and the Karavan. Each race has another race that is it's favorite and a race that they dislike. Each race is initially regarded more favorably by one of the powers; the Trykers and Matis are favored by the Karavan and the Zorai and Fyros are favored by the Kami. These initial fame scores range from +20 to -20 on a scale of +/- 100. These initial scores do not force you to an alignment with any nation or Power; you can go with the flow or fight against it. You cannot achieve alignment with a power or a nation until after you get to the mainland and earn more fame and undertake rites. It is recommended that you think carefully on this matter. It is not irreversible, but it is difficult to reverse.

Once you are aligned, this will affect which guilds you can join, which teleport altars you can use and which players can earn PvP points by fighting against you.

It will also affect which side people expect you to fight on in Outpost battles.


Animate your finished avatar with the arrow button in the lower mid-left of the screen. Review your race, gender, civilization, and initial actions; then select the Finish button at the bottom right of the screen. If displayed, select OK to choose the Atys world community. Next, choose your key configuration; most modern computer users will prefer the arrow keys to move (together with mouse or trackball).

Name Your Avatar

The final step for your avatar is to select a name. Each name on Atys must be unique, so it may take several attempts to choose a name. Names must adhere to the Ryzom code of conduct. Once your name is accepted, you will see your new avatar in a slot on the left. Select PLAY to start gameplay on the island of Silan. Click on Chiang the Strong for your first orientation mission.

Chiang the Strong

Controls on the User Interface

Common features

Common right-click functions are Window Opacity, Lock/Unlock, Help, or Quick Help.

  • Window Opacity controls the background opacity of the windows to allow for a see-through “Heads-Up” display or an opaque easy-to-read window.
  • Lock/Unlock controls the movability of the window.
  • Help is for instructions.

Reset UI is available on the Task-bar window only.

Many windows can be re-sized and repositioned using the mouse.

Others (such as the task-bar) cannot be re-sized, only moved.


Customised UI
Keys configuration panel

The function keys perform valuable functions in Ryzom. A full list can be viewed by pressing the K key to display the KEYS window. All keys can be reassigned, but be careful. Some useful keys are:

  • F5 Talk / Leave
  • F6 Toggle combat (disengage enemy)
  • F7 mount or dismount your mektoub
  • F10 Target self
  • F12 No Target
  • Shift+W for the main information page (memorize this one), showing event calendar, and apps.

You can change your camera view distance by using the wheel on a mouse or using the keys shown in the Keys menu. You can toggle to first-person viewpoint and back using the V key. Some things are easier to see at different view distances, such as conversation bubbles or harvesting sources.

By pressing the space bar, the nearest enemy will be targeted as Front Selection Enemies.

Keys G for GUILD INFO and F for CONTACT LIST are used frequently. Function keys F1 to F4 can keep different desktop user interfaces (UI) in memory. For example your customized UI is saved to the default (F1) key by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-F1. An example is shown in the next picture , illustrating reduced opacity on windows, and the use of two icon Task-bars.:

Avatar Gauges

Avatar Gauges

In addition to the basic values, a small icon appears in the upper right corner. This is the player-versus-player (Faction PvP) status. If there is one sword, the avatar is not attackable by another avatar. If the player has changed the avatar's mode, it will be tagged as attackable by any homin enemy. The icon will show crossed-swords. Right-clicking and selecting any status will remove or add the display bar for it.


Compass menu

The right-click functions of the compass will target a particular item or location that you want. For example to find an animal, select Animals>Mount 1 to find your mektoub. Or, to find a team member, select Team>Name and the compass will point in their direction. On the radar, welcomers and other stationary NPCs show a tiny dialog bubble instead of a dot. When searching for an NPC individual in the wild, look to the compass to aide your search. Instead of a dot, a small scroll will appear over the head of an NPC that can give or receive missions. In any chat window, type /target name and if it doesn't say “entity not found” then selecting Target after right-clicking in the compass will target the named individual. The compass will point to that avatar or NPC in the visible area up to about 50M, but may not work for NPCs in buildings. Occasionally, an email icon or a blue Forum icon will appear. Merely click it (or shift+w > Mail, or > Forums) and then in the top line of text find New posts and click that. You can now read the new messages.


Chat window

The Chat window contains many tabs, for different communication channels. When Ryzom starts, the player will be started in the USER tab. There, conversations from all the other channels will be displayed. Typing in that tab, though, will communicate only with the AROUND channel. The AROUND channel is for the avatar's current area, of about 25M radius. The REGION channel is for the whole region such as Silan, Majestic Garden, etc. The GUILD channel will appear if your avatar is a member of a guild. That channel will communicate with other members of that guild. Tabs other than USER can be separated into windows by right clicking on them, and which messages are displayed in the USER tab can be controlled by right-clicking on its tab.

The UNIVERSE channel is for global conversations and questions. It is occasionally used for chit-chatting, but help will be offered at any time.

Its purpose is to get help from experienced players. Most problems, like lost actions, or fouled missions, you can get help for. Select the UNIVERSE tab on the Chat window. Ask your question. You will probably get a flood of help.

The flag show the language, and hover it will show the original sentence

New ( change in June 2020): DeepL use, in a single Uni for all. And REGION is translated with DeepL too.

You may also select Help>Support to file a bug report or get official help with a technical problem.

To communicate with a player far away, type in any Chat tab that accepts input: /tell avatar *message*. E.g: /tell Dummy Hi. This will open a chat window for a private conversation with Dummy. Typing /afk in any chat window will put the avatar in an away-from-keyboard mode with visual indications. Beware though! The avatar may still be attacked by mobs.

A very useful Chat window tab is the SYSTEM. INFO.

This channel is not for communication, but for information. It will give blow-by-blow battle results, forage/extraction data, and other information. For example, by typing /who in another channel, the SYS. INFO window will report the names of all avatars in the area. Typing /who GM will give the name of any GM on shift.

Other special commands are available.

Occasionally you will do something like type F to get your Friends window to appear, but it will not appear.

If you cannot operate a desktop commands because you are stuck in a chat window, don't despair, you can easily refocus onto the desktop. Backspace over any letters you've typed until the line is empty, then strike <return>; or <ESC> to leave the box but leave the already typed text. You can now use your keyboard commands for the desktop.

If you desire, your avatar's text can be colored.

Merely go to System...>GAME CONFIGURATION>INTERFACE>CHAT>Tell or Team or any other chat tab and choose your favorite color! At the bottom of this window is a Font Size slider. Very Useful!

Target Reticle

Target Reticle

When you hover your cursor on a beast or monster, a target reticle will appear. If you left click on it the target reticle will be color-coded to represent the general level of the MOB. The order of danger from low to high is white, green, blue, yellow, orange, red, and purple. If you double-click on the mob, you will attack, so be careful.

The target text can be colored with the target ring removed by unchecking SYSTEM>GAME CONFIGURATION>INTERFACE>HUD>Show Target Reticle.

An entity or certain object can be acted on by double-clicking on it. This can be unsafe in some instances, like while extracting a raw material source when suddenly a MOB steps in front of the green glowing material. In those situations, use right-click>Extract Raw Materials. This will avoid an unnecessary resurrection.

Another option is to go to SYSTEM>INTERFACE>HUD and uncheck Auto Equip Mode, then you won't attack a mob accidentally while digging.

See also CONFIGURATION>INPUT>MOUSE>Double Click Mode for extra safety if you want.

Target Window

Target Window

After targeting a MOB, the name of the MOB, it's HP status bar and it's general strength will appear in the window. The symbol gives a number of its level or stars. One big star on a colored background represents a named entity; two black stars is a species boss. (3x*) means it's third rank of its species in the particular area.


Two different views of the Task-bar

The Task-bar is located in the lower right corner of the Ryzom desktop. It is composed of two tabs and many functions. This is a diagram of those tasks: WINDOWS & ACTIONS

Identity Standing/Sitting(Ins key)
Inventory Running/Walking(Del key)
Actions Dodge/Parry(Shift+D)
Missions Move(End key)
Map Attack
Communications... ► Communications Extract
Help... ► Contact List Help Invite (to team)
System... ► Guild Help System Leave Team
Quit Forums Support Game Config. Talk
Fame Keys
Mailbox Windows
Web Macros
Team Connection
Animals MP3 Player

Notice that Animals is buried under Communications in the WINDOWS tab, and the word Actions is used in two locations, as a header and as a window name. The Game Configuration window contains many important settings for the game. Each setting should be evaluated at first startup to adjust for the computer's capability; particularly the global opacity setting and screen resolution.

The Task-bar (left above) can be shrunk to icons (above right) by clicking the small emblem Change display mode.

Repeated clicking will cycle through five Task-bar formats: one text and four with icons. Using an Icon format will allow both the move and map icons on the same view, as they are commonly used together.



The Identity window contains four tabs.

  • STATS shows the avatar's race and guild, scores, characteristics, skill points, resistances and protections, defence levels (active is green) and miscellaneous.
  • The ADVANCED STATS show where you have been and what points you have earned.
  • The OCCUPATIONS window may need to be refreshed.
It displays any occupations that you have learned and the question mark reveals important information about all the occupations.
  • The INFO tab is important for selecting a new title--that is shown over your avatar's head.


When clicking the second icon on the Task bar WINDOWS tab, an inventory window will appear. The basic window has two tabs, BAG and EQUIP. Bag is everything that you carry, while EQUIP is the jewellery and armour that you are wearing. If you buy a mektoub mount and packer, they will appear in their own tabs as MOUNT1 and PACK2. Also, if you have joined a guild that has an outpost, and you are near that outpost, a new tab will appear in the inventory. That will be GUILD and contain all the contents of the guild hall. You will also see the Guild tab when you are in the guildhall. In the same way, that will be ROOM with all the contents of your apartment, seen when in it (see below).

Filling bag

Beneath the tabs are small numbers. The first indicates the number of items that can be carried, for example 10/500. This is 10 items of a possible 500. Next to that is a status bar that indicates the bulk that can be carried. Right-clicking on that bar will look like Bulk: 99/300; or, look in the IDENTITY window under the MISCELLANEOUS heading to see that same value. Finally, the weight value is displayed next to a small weight symbol, for example 22.26. Armor and jewelry that are worn and weapons in-hand still affect the count, bulk, and weight in the bag.

Large values of weight can affect your ability to move.

Some things are very heavy, so stay aware of the weight.

Dappers & filters

At the bottom of the inventory window is a small green sap drop. This is the number of dappers (money) that you possess. Further along the bottom are various toggling view filters, and the detailed and compact item views.

If you do not wish to lose your items accidentally, by destroying or trading them, select the right-click Lock/Unlock functions. It is recommended that you keep your most precious items, armour, and weapons locked.

filter on inventory, showing generic mats

New: text search in inventory, and group to move and ware armor easily (fast resume of 2 patches, links to forum).



The ACTION PROGRESSION window contains essential information on the avatar's skill levels in all of the available skill sets. On the left are the four fundamental areas of endeavour in a skill tree: Fight, Magic, Craft, and Harvest. These will expand further and further by clicking the + symbols, or collapse by clicking the – symbol. In the lower left corner of the window is the Auto Fold option, that will collapse any skill branches that you are not viewing.

The right side of the ACTION PROGRESSION window contains two tabs, Actions and Upgrades.

When a branch of the skill tree is selected, the appropriate Actions or Upgrades for that level are displayed. The coloured icons are the actions that you already own, whether they were purchased in that skill branch or another one. The greyed icons are not owned yet, but may be purchased from the appropriate trainer once you reach the indicated skill level. Upgrades are not Actions, but other things such as increased Constitution that are also available from the trainers.

By selecting higher skill levels, actions available in the future will be displayed.

A click box in the lower right allows the display as a Detailed List.



The MISSIONS window contains all current and finished missions. Right-clicking will give the common options plus toggle Title Bar On/Off. A drop-down list at the top of the window allows for selection of an individual mission to display. A small button in the top right allows you to select an expanded list. That mission will display according to window size, so resizing may be necessary to get the full text to display. The button Abandon will remove the mission irreversibly. Be careful, because some missions cannot be retaken!

After a mission is completed, a check-mark will appear in the mission icon.

The Abandon button will now have changed to Finished. Clicking that button will remove the finished mission from the MISSIONS window completely. If that particular mission had a monetary reward, the dappers will be added to your inventory immediately. The Abandon button is unavailable on Silan.



Map is a re-sizable window that will display a map of the area you are in. At the top are a +, zoom in, and a -, zoom out. When zooming in all the way, the cities and towns may be clicked to enlarge them to the street level. To return from a city map to an area map, click the left arrow at the top of the MAP window. The triangle symbol is a button to center your location on the map. Additionally, the time and weather are displayed on the top line. This is quite helpful when foraging.

Right-clicking anywhere on the map gives several choices: Create Landmark, Create Landmark At Current Location, and Center Map On Yourself.

These are very useful for creating small flags to mark NPC, forage spots, and so forth.

Web Applications

Web Applications

The webapps bar is a handy access to many useful functions and avatar information. The achievements, craft recipes, forums, Ryzom lore, email, and many other informative windows are here. Importantly, many very useful applications and even a little game are found inside.

EN app zone web 2020-05-04.png
An alternate access to these functions is with SHIFT+W.

The bar can be removed from your interface via a command inside the webapps window if you don't want it.

More on Webapps.

The home page shows events and Apps.

Actions Bar

Actions Bar

As learned above, the ACTION PROGRESSION window is very helpful, but has another important use. When learning actions from trainers, icons are plopped all over the 10 Actions Bars (sometimes called the Shortcut Bar). In order to organize the Actions Bars, players may delete actions by using right-click Delete Action and accidentally delete a needed action. To recover any learned action merely open the ACTION PROGRESSION window and then drag the lit icon to any empty cell on the Actions Bar.


A red X on an icon indicates that the avatar is out-of-range of the target. Moving closer will cause it to disappear and make the action active. When right-clicking on a spell, you may see an option to Crystallize. This is for enchanting weapons. A spell may be crystallized and added to your inventory (not all spells can be crystallized).

You can make a second copy of the Actions Bar by Task-bar>System...>Windows>Action&Inventory>ACTION#2.

This second copy cannot be changed, but will mimic the original Actions Bar 1. It can be moved to any location on the screen. It can be time-saving, for example, to have fight actions open on the main bar while the heal actions are open on bar #2.

Actions and Upgrades

Actions can be purchased from any of the trainers. When learning an action, the complete set of root, options, and credits will be obtained in an icon. That icon can replace the previous version of a lower action. However, if an upgrade is purchased, particularly from a magic trainers, then only the option or only the credit will be purchased. Each will drop an icon on the Task-bar that can be deleted. One must then edit by selecting an action icon and right-clicking the Edit Action choice to open an edit window. There the individual option or credit “brick” can be updated to the newly learned upgrade by clicking on it. The icon name must also be manually changed to the updated version. This will avoid confusion, because the trainer may still retain the complete action for that upgrade including credits that you might not have. However, the price in skill points will change to reflect the value of only the "bricks" or "stanzas" that you do not yet own. It is not possible to "waste" skill points; once you have all "bricks" for a certain action, it will be removed from the trainer.


Looting Window


After making a kill, an option will appear on the cursor when moused-overit. That message will either say Loot for a primitive or Quarter for a MOB. A small Quartered Materials window will appear with the booty from this kill which will vary each time. Individual items may be selected by clicking each item with the mouse, then selecting Drop All. The entire booty may be collected by clicking Take All.

Forage Window


After starting an extraction, a forage window will appear on the desktop. It will show the item foraged, and the quantity and quality of that item. When the extraction is complete the choices Take All and Drop All may be selected. Drop All may be selected at any time to abort the extraction. These windows may appear at other times as well, such as when an NPC offers you a reward.

Warning Icons

Small warning icons will appear on the screen to alert you of any spell, catalyzer, or death penalty that affects you. A larger skull & crossbones image will appear if an owned mektoub dies. It will inform you how much time remains to collect your possessions from the mektoub before it decomposes. Hovering the mouse over the icon will give more information about the function and status of t

Última versión 2022-04-09•