Diferencia entre revisiones de «Gremio:Fuerza de la Fraternidad»

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(Página creada con «{{TIP |DE=1 |EN=4 |ES=1 |FR=0 |RU=1}} {{:en:Guild:Force of Fraternity}}»)
Línea 1: Línea 1:
{{TIP |DE=1 |EN=4 |ES=1 |FR=0 |RU=1}}
{{TIP |DE=4 |EN=4 |ES=1 |FR=0 |RU=1}}
{{:en:Guild:Force of Fraternity}}
{{:en:Guild:Force of Fraternity}}

Revisión del 10:19 7 oct 2021

    Script edit.png Estado de traduccionesEsta página es una de las 54 que nos gustaría ver traducidas al español.
De.png ÜbersetztGb.png TranslatedEs.png Traducción requeridaFr.png OriginalRu.png Запрошенный перевод
de:Gilde:Kraft der Bruderschaft en:Guild:Force of Fraternity es:Gremio:Fuerza de la Fraternidad fr:Guilde:Force de la Fraternité ru:Гильда:Сила братства
Translation to review
Don't blame the contributors, but come and help them 😎

Reference text ( Maintained text, used as reference ) :
Notes: (Dorothée, 2021-10-16)

Guild Amber
Force of Fraternity
Nation Neutral
Organisation unknown


The Multiracial Guild Force of Fraternity was created in 2490 as a result of the Mutual Assistance Pact concluded between the four leaders of the New Lands. Its role was to combat the threat of the Kitin, using the new fighting techniques developed by the great Matis hero Matini Roqvini. After two years of relentless campaigns and the death of three of its founders, the guild was dissolved.


Known Members

Last version 2021-10-16•